The measure of a human is in what they are willing to do, not how they appear on the surface. Billie taught me that, big time.
Loving living, marketing, and selling
Selling is first and foremost a transaction between the seller and the prospective buyer or buyers (the target market) where money (or something considered to have monetary value) is exchanged for goods or services.
The measure of a human is in what they are willing to do, not how they appear on the surface. Billie taught me that, big time.
The first problem with selling is not knowing what problems your prospects are dealing with and if you can really solve them.
One of the strongest arguments for tracking your behavior and results is the tendency to see reality through emotional filters. Emotions can keep you going but they can also let you down when things SEEM to be going wrong, even when they are not. This article shows you how to solve that problem.
Challenges can bring out the best in us. We don’t have to enjoy them, but we do have to face them. So we might as well be grateful for them because they make us stretch.
Sales people and entrepreneurs so love adrenaline and novelty that they tend to forget the fundamentals and routines that make a business successful