Monkey Brain and Gratitude

People keep asking when I’ll write the book. Maybe they think that writing it down might tame the insanity that keeps leaking out in our conversation.

Nah. I don’t think that will work. If anything, it will just encourage the emergent madman.

So, I just decided to let it out in front of a camera. Probably a bad idea, but what the heck.

Fear and Depression Spiral… I Can Keep Getting Better Anyway

I found a wonderful quote today on my Momentum Chrome add-on… “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven’t.” ~ Thomas Edison Ah, thank you universe. As is so often the case, the right message arrives when the student is ready. The past few days have been a powerful reminder about commitment, willingness, … Read more

A Gardener’s Mind

Today in a Facebook Gardening group a member lamented the wanton removal of years of her landscaping and garden work by the purchasers of her home:

“That moment you drive by your house you just sold a few weeks earlier and everything you ever planted and loved is ripped out and gone!!!”

Trees, picket fence, roses, arbor… all gone.

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